The Journal of Ephemeral Inspiration

The Journal of Ephemeral Inspiration promises a neverending spew of pointless minutae, brilliant yet useless ideas, troublingly cruel commentary and emphatic musings on whatever shiny object happens to catch our collective eye. Always remember, hate the game, not the playa.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Hot Or Not? James Brown... Well, We're Not Really Sure

Judging Hot Or Not losers is not a task for the mere mortal, so don't feel bad, James. You may be superbad, but goddammit if we have no effing idea what you're saying. Finish out the day, then clean out your desk. We appreciate you coming in..
"Hai! " Issanevah gone know me... Fuppa mo time wheet messa gone to heah me now! Huh! Ya gatta gatta gatta know whassonna toofbrush. Hepmeh!

Also in this series...