The Journal of Ephemeral Inspiration

The Journal of Ephemeral Inspiration promises a neverending spew of pointless minutae, brilliant yet useless ideas, troublingly cruel commentary and emphatic musings on whatever shiny object happens to catch our collective eye. Always remember, hate the game, not the playa.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Star Wars VII: The Return Of The J.E.I.

Fret not, fair readermonkeys. The rumored demise of the mighty Journal of Ephemeral Inspiration is just not true. We've got a seam-bursting stockpile of funny waiting in the wings, and will resume publication any day now. More Pocky, more Jimmy Olsen, more of our patented Ephemereviews, you name it, we're sitting on it.

Meanwhile, if you've arrived here via a search engine (which, stats reveal is likely you searched for "Alba's nipples"), take a spin through our expansive archives, and feel free to leave comments. We can take it.